Sunday, March 31, 2013

Versatile Blogger Award

Yey! I’m so excited that I was nominated by the great blogger behind It's Me Kikay for the Versatile Blogger Award. It was really nice of her to do this and you should definitely take some time later to check out her great blog.

The Rules:

First Thank the person who nominated you for this award and put a link to their blog in your 'reply' post - it's common courtesy :)
Then, select 15 blogs/blogger that you've recently discovered or follow regularly - even though the rules say 15 I am just going to nominate the blogs/bloggers who I think deserve it the most instead of a fixed number of people.
Nominate those blogs/bloggers that you've chosen for the Versatile Blogger Award.
Finally, tell the person who nominated you and your readers 7 things about yourself - they can be about anything!

7 Things About Me...

1. I'm a nail polish junkie
2. You will always find a lipstick and blotting sheets in my purse...they're a necessity for me
3. My shoe size is US 5!...and yes, it's extremely difficult to find shoes that I love and actually fit :(
4. I could never have enough purses, but then again, can anyone?!
5. I love Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, and Carly Rae Jepsen...yes...I'm a girly pop kinda' girl...don't judge me...have been that way forever
6. Currently, the #1 thing on my bucket list: a long trip exploring different countries throughout EUROPE! Never been there and I'm dying to go.
7. I'm moving from Puerto Rico to Miami in May! (Yey!)

My Versatile Blogger Nominations:


  1. Thank you so much for the nomination Gina :D

  2. Thanks for the nomination, Gina!!! I like your versatile blogger icon, it looks more "award-like" than the green one. I recently did a versatile blogger tag, but I'll still participate, give you a shout out, and just switch it up a bit! I'll link it down below once I get to it! :-)

    My mom wears a size 5 too and she has a tough time finding shoes in the U.S. I also want to do a less rough sort of back packing through Europe. Yaaay you're moving to Miami! I have never been, only seen Orlando, but safe travels!!!

  3. Gracias por el premio linda! Somos dos con pies pequeños jaja yo soy 5 1/2 y es una pesadilla conseguir zapatos!!! Que emocionante, te mudas!!! Mucho éxito en todo lo que te propongas :)

