Monday, December 10, 2012

2013 Color of the Year

Every year the company named Pantone puts together a panel of people that will debate a very important subject regarding the future...the next "Color of the Year"!!! Ok, I know is not something of life or death but it is a really important matter for industries such as fashion and interior design among others. So get prepared to see a whole lot of 2013's new Color of the Year: Emerald!! I am really excited to see all the beautiful things that will come in this amazing color such as jeans, sunglasses, eye shadows, watches, nail polish, shoes, etc! The options are endless. I love the color since it's really refreshing and at the same time very sophisticated. Pantone describes it as "the color of growth, renewal and prosperity". Maybe using Emerald green will bring that same description to all of our lives and society in general! So now you know the next up and coming color for 2013, now its just a matter of...well...start our shopping! Yey!

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