Monday, February 4, 2013

Liebster Award

I am so excited since I have been nominated for the Liebster Award! This is an award given from blogger to blogger and it passes on like a chain.

I absolutely have to give a huge thanks to Shobna for nominating me. I really appreciate it and you should defintely check out her blog!

For those like me who didn't have an idea of what 'liebster' meant, here it is (directly taken from Shobna's blog):

Liebster is a German word meaning kindest, nicest, beloved, endearing and welcoming. It's a word which has a positive meaning towards people. This award is given to bloggers by other bloggers. And the most important thing about this award is to share and grow the network and encourage new Bloggers. The blogger who has been nominated should have less than 200 followers.

So how cool is that?! Very exciting for me!

This award has some rules:
1. Each person has to post 11 things about themselves. (Facts about you)
2. Answer the questions the nominator made for you and also create 11 more questions for the blogs you nominate
3. Choose nominations and link them to your post
4. Go to their page and tell them.

So here I go...

11 Things About ME
1. My favorite dessert is ice cream
2. I used to be a girl scout when I was a kid
3. I LOVE movies, I go to the movie theater about once per week
4. I don't remember the last time I went out of my house without nail polish
5. I'm a cat lover
6. I'm a very picky eater
7. I hate public speaking, it's so nerve raking!
8. My pet peeve: cuticle picking...I'm just disgusted by it to another level :s
9. I love Valentine's Day
10. Milk chocolate vs Dark chocolate? Dark chocolate for me!
11. As you may predict, I'm such a girly girl :)

Questions by Shobna
1. What is the reason you start blogging?
Simply to share my passion in beauty with others since there aren't many people around me with that same interest. I though it will be nice to interact about this topic with others and meet new people in the blogging community.

2. Do you have a dream?
I dream of traveling the world throughout my life.

3. What is favorite cartoon (all time)? Why?
I am not a fan of cartoons now, but when I was a kid I remember loving Tom & Jerry.

4. Who is your idol? Why?
Maybe this sounds a little cliche, but my idol has to be my mother. She has been through tough situations and has always managed to come through and find ways to make her life a happier one. She has taught me to see the positive perspective of every situation and to try new things in life that will help you be an overall better and happier human being. I just love her, respect her, and always looking up to her.

5. Have you been nominated before for any awards?
Nope! This is my first. I'm so excited!

6. What is your dream job?
I am studying pharmacy, but really my dream job will be working in the beauty industry, more specifically in makeup artistry.

7. Your favorite websites?
Real Beauty

8. What are you obsessed in?
Im obsessed with magazines! OMG I have a ton of subscriptions every month mailed to me. Even the mail man calls me the magazine girl :s ...but I don't care...I just love them <3 data-blogger-escaped-br="">

9. What will you do if you found or get $10000?
This one's easy...Eurotrip! I would definitely travel all throughout Europe and part of the money will be spent on clothing and beauty products from there! Oh, now you got me day dreaming about it...

10. Name 5 of your New Year Resolution which you are still keeping up?
This year I didn't make any stablished New Year's Resolutions, but I think in general to always try to stay true to who I am and to always try to be a better person :)

11. Your favorite brand (any)?
Most of my products are drug-store products, so my favorite brand has to be L'Oreal. I came up with this conclusion since most of the products I continuously use are from that brand.

1. A Girl Named Nydia
2. Rush and Teal
3. This Please
4. Drops of Elixir
5. The Beauty Board
6. Pinstriped Penguin
7. Tasha Lauren Cleary

11 Questions for my nominees
1. Which is your favorite place on earth?
2. What kind of movies do you like the most? Action, Humor, Romance, etc?
3. Which type of makeup product do you never leave the house without?
4. What is one trait that characterizes you?
5. What topic do you dislike talking about the most?
6. In the case it you prefer being over-dressed or under-dressed to an event?
7. Which is your favorite skincare product?
8. What is #1 on your Bucket List?
9. Which is your favorite season of the year? Winter, Spring, Fall, Summer?
10. If you had the money, what kind of cause/charity would you give the biggest contribution to?
11. Who is your favorite fashion designer?

Hope all of my nominees have fun doing this!


  1. It's so nice to read your sincere answers :) x

    Take Care :) xoxo

    1. Thanks again for the nomination, I had a lot of fun with it ;)

  2. Hey lovely, thank-you so much for nominating me for the Liebster Award! I have written my post about it now :)

    I will also be following your blog :)


  3. Thanks for the nominating me, very kind of you!
