Monday, February 18, 2013

DIY Tinted Lips

I love the look of lip stains but sometimes its difficult to find that perfect formulation that will give you the exact color you want, with the exact intensity, and the long duration. So here's a super easy trick to achieve that tinted lips look you crave. The materials: lip balm and your selection of powder eye shadow. To achieve the look:

1. Apply lip balm with your finger.
2. Apply the eye shadow you selected with your finger as well and build up to the desired intensity you want.

That's it! As easy as 1 and 2! You can always mix up colors to create your own, custom made tones. Also play with matte as well as shimmer eye shadow formulations for different finishes. With this technique your imagination is the limit to the amount of lip looks you can achieve. Also if you are not into the matte look, feel free to add a gloss on top. If you forgot your eye shadow at home and want to retouch, use your lip balm and blend the color left on your lips for it to look fresh again. The color wont last 24 hours, but it will last several hours before the color is completely gone.

Hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know what you think of this technique in the comments below. I love to read all of your comments!

1 comment:

  1. Those lips are amazing! I don't like mine 'coz they are quite pigmented or dark especially on the sides so, wearing lighter lipsticks or lip gloss makes it look odd, imo. Thanks for sharing though! I didn't know you can do this. :)
