Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Removing Glitter Nail Polish: The end to the struggle!

My last post was about creating a Purple Glitter Mani. It can look amazing while it lasts, but lets be real...removing glitter polish can be such a pain! But let all fears be gone...the battle between you and your glitter polish is over! Here's an easy way to remove it without the endless struggle of rubbing the cotton ball into your nails.

1. Have your materials ready!
- Foil paper: Cut 5 pieces that would be big enough to cover the entire upper part of your finger.

- Cotton balls: Divide one cotton ball into 5 pieces (feel free to use more than one cotton ball if your nails are bigger/longer or if the cotton ball is just too small).

- Nail polish remover

2. Soak one of the cotton pieces in nail polish remover and place it on top of your nail. Make sure the nail is completely covered by it.

3. Tightly cover the top part of your finger with a piece of foil paper so that the cotton will stay in place.

4. Repeat the same process on the rest of your nails.

5. After 10 minutes press your nail while wiggling the foil and cotton from side to side and finally remove the foil/cotton.

6. Voila! The polish will have adhered to the cotton and you have a glitter free nail without the struggle! In the case that some residue is left, just remove it using another cotton ball with nail polish remover.

Using this technique will definitely change your life!...Ok maybe I'm exaggerating but it will surely make it more easier. Now you don't have to think twice when contemplating the idea of rocking some glittery manicure.

Hope you enjoyed this post! Have you tried this technique?!


  1. Thanks so much, this is a brilliant idea. I know a tonne of glitter polish fans will be thanking you. I'm going to try it out :)
    My Beauty Junction

  2. I love glitter nail polish but have such a hard time removing it! This is great, Thanks for this tip*

  3. That is such a neat idea, I'm definitely going to have to give it a try. I love glitter polish, so this will be a big help to my routine. Nice share. :)



  4. Great idea. It's such a struggle to take glitter nail polish off.

  5. Great blog , nice Tips!
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  6. gracias, siempre paso tanto trabajo quitando el brillo! i'll try this :)
