Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Beautifying Relaxation

Some times life just gets crazy and stress can overwhelm us. Apart from the mental exhaustion that stress can bring us, it can also affect us physically. Here are just some negative physical effects of stress (which I'm sure most of you have experienced):
  • Headaches
  • Weakened immune system (therefore increasing the risk of getting sick)
  • Dull and dehydrated looking skin
  • Decreased sleep or difficulty falling asleep, which results in terrible looking under eye dark circles (which translates into a Not so good morning the next day)
  • Increase in body oils production, which translates into our dear enemies: blackheads and acne

Ugh...I'm getting stressed just thinking about it! That's why everyone needs an anti-stress therapy once in a while, or a few times per week, or all the times necessary! Here I share with you some of my favorite ways of unwinding and diving into total bliss while acquiring some beauty benefits at the same time. You see, even when walking out from stress you can multitask!

Prep-Stage: Light up a delicious smelling candle. You can do this to sit down and meditate/clear your mind a little OR you can do this right before any of the below activities to make them even more relaxing and enjoyable. A little aromatherapy never hurts.

1. Give your face a treat! Apply either a hydrating mask if you feel that your skin is dull and dehydrated or apply a purifying mask if your face is rebelling against you by breaking out.

My two favorite masks: D:Tox System Purifying Mask 
from Giovanni and Hydrating Treatment Mask from Karuna.

While you wait for the mask to do its magic, use the time to read a good book or grab your favorite girly magazine and browse  for new fashion/beauty ideas to try. Trying new things always makes life more enjoyable, even in stress times.

2. Make your body feel luxurious! Always have at hand the Body Wash and Body Lotion of your favorite perfume and use them for those days when you feel like there's just no time for pampering yourself! Give yourself a nice and long shower using the scented body wash. Use this time to enjoy the time you have for yourself and try to maintain your mind blank or think about being on vacations with an amazing cascade rushing water over you...ohhh I already feel relaxed just by typing it! Right after coming out of the shower, take advantage of the humidity in the bathroom to apply the scented Body Lotion so it would absorb better into your skin. Finish up by applying the Perfume. Combining the products will leave you smelling delicious for a longer time and even if you have to get back to work/studying/whatever stressful situation you are in, you will feel the delicious smell and it will transport you back to the relaxed shower and wish-I-had-right-now vacation scene making your stress level decrease a little.

3. Make your own manicure session at home. Instead of going to a salon for the usual manicure, sit down comfortably at home with your coziest cloth and the needed tools for a perfect manicure. Focus just on painting your nails and making them look amazing. It will really bring your stress levels down plus you will end up with beautiful hands! 

Here's some inspiration from me and my sister!

Since most nail polishes need at least 30 minutes before completely drying down, use that time to watch The Food Network! Years ago I read that watching a cooking channel helps you to relax for whatever reason I don't remember anymore and so I tried it...OMG it really did relaxed me and now I'm hooked! My favorite cooks to watch are Giada De Laurentiis (from Giada at Home) and Ina Garten (from Barefoot Contessa) since both are very calm yet very fun, nice, and enjoyable. Plus you get the added benefit of learning some new plates to surprise your boyfriend/family/friends/YOU while avoiding smudged nails. (In the case your nails DO get smudged, not to worry!...watch my post about a quick fix for smudged nails)

Giada De Laurentiis and Ina Garten. My faves from Food Network.
Both make some absolute delicious plates!

4. And if you only have a few minutes for yourself, never underestimate the power of Pinterest. Get yourself in front of your tech device of choice and indulge on the experience of pinning. But I have to be responsible and warn you: while it is a very potent way of forgetting stress, it could be addicting and before you know it a whole hour could pass by! So practice this one with caution but DO try it in moments of need (and why not...in moments of no need too). While no direct beauty benefit will come from it, you will for sure find some amazing ideas for new looks to try as well as enjoyable and beautiful pictures that will make you smile therefore your body will release happy hormones (a.k.a endorphins) which will give you an instant feeling of well-being.

Click on the picture so you can see my pins!

Ohhh I can't wait to try one of these for myself soon since I've been so busy with school! But all of these are tried-and-true techniques, at least from my experience. So hope this helps and gives you some ideas for the next YOU TIME.

What is your go to therapy for relaxing?

1 comment:

  1. i need some YOU time rush!!!! este fin de semana es mi cumpleaños, así que voy a hacer todo lo que recomiendas para relajarme antes de salir a celebrar!!!

