Sunday, January 13, 2013

Beauty Resolutions 2013!

New year, new opportunities for change! So why not start with your beauty to feel daring and renovated?! Here are some ideas:

1. Finally dare to use that punch of color in your lips! Try using a classic red or a fun bright berry color. You can't go wrong with any of those two colors and I assure you compliments will come your way.

2. Try using a highlighter to give your face a healthy glow and accentuate your cheekbones. It is such an easy step to add to your routine and the difference is subtle yet very refreshing. You can see my review on one easy-to-use highlighter here!

3. Repeat after me: I PROMISE not to go to sleep without removing my makeup and washing my face! ... And really keep this promise, your face will thank you SO much.

4. Every now and then try new products! BB creams! Cream blush! Gel shadows?! Any product you feel daring to try...who can find your new staple product and make everyone ask themselves what is different in her and why is she looking so good?!

5. Find a delicious and luxurious smelling body spray to spritz on after every shower, I swear to you, it will make you feel like a million bucks!

Hope you girls add these resolutions to your list and have lots of fun with them. Happy 2013 to you all!

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